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Roadside charging – How to account for credit card payments

June 5, 2023

With a growing number of company car owners using electric vehicles, many are deciding or being permitted to use company credit cards to pay for roadside charging.

However, what are the implications of this for the employee and business alike?

While the answer is fairly technical, the short simple answer is there will be no taxable benefit on the employee and no National Insurance Contribution (NIC) charge.

This is because a credit card is a credit token, not a specific means or facility for providing the electricity to charge the vehicle, and it is, therefore, exempt under Section 269 of ITEPA (Income Tax (Earnings and Pension) Act) 2003.

At the moment, electricity is not a fuel for fuel benefit purposes either, this further prevents there being a benefit under ITEPA.

To make matters more complex, this should not be confused with the provision of electricity by an employer via a workplace charging point, which is also exempt from a Benefit in Kind charge under a different section of the same Act, which accounts for the facilitation of electric charging under the fuel benefit rules.

When it comes to the NIC, a liability for Class 1 contributions exists where the credit card is paying liabilities for the benefit of the earner.

However, this is counteracted by other legislation that ensures that no Class 1 NIC arises on business expenses or where “a strange pre-purchase performance is given by the employee whereby the employee informs the seller that they are purchasing the goods or services on behalf of their employer.”

Confusing and seemingly contradictory, this has been established in prior case law, which found that when informing the seller that the fuel is being acquired on behalf of the employer, implies a shift in the purchasing dynamic.

Instead of personally buying the fuel, the employee assumes the role of an agent for the employer.

By procuring the electricity on the company’s behalf, they are no longer utilising the corporate credit card to settle a personal responsibility. Rather, they are being supplied with fuel by their employer.

This area of tax and National Insurance legislation is constantly changing and so if you have any queries about the potential charges related to company cars or their “refuelling” it is best to seek professional advice. To find out how we can support you with this, please contact us.

Further reading

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